Join the MCES PTA
The Parent Teacher Association is a group of parent, teachers, and administrative members working together as a team to improve the academic experience for each and every student.
The number one reason to join the PTA is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your child's school.
To become a member or make a donation,
click here.
Did You Know?
You can support the PTA without having to give a minute of your time. Only a small percent of our PTA members are able to volunteer their time throughout the school year. If you can volunteer an hour a year, an hour a month, an hour a week, an hour a day or none at all, the PTA needs your support!
Get Connected
There’s no better way to know what’s happening in our school. Our monthly PTA Board meetings are open to ALL parents/guardians to attend. The meetings are held from 5:30-7:30 pm on the first Thursday of each month.
Discover Great Resources
The PTA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students throughout the school year.
Speak Up
PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas, you are encouraged to make suggestions and to have a positive impact on the lives of children in your school community.
Witness Improvement
By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution helping to make positive changes. Our PTA plays an important role in fundraising to provide instructional resources for our children, to make facility improvements, to enhance curriculum-based programs, to encourage social events for our community, and to provide grade level grants for teacher/students which are all vital to our school’s success.
Be a Role Model
By becoming a PTA member you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education. This can have a dramatic impact on your child's future.
Who Can Join the PTA?
Everyone is welcome, parents, teachers, students, grandparents and friends! We know time is a precious commodity in today’s world, please know that by becoming a member in your PTA you are NOT committed to volunteering at school events. However, we do encourage everyone in our community to become involved in some manner at our school.
We need your support! Your $6.00 helps to purchase supplies for classrooms, bring programs to the school, and much more! Please support McGee’s Crossroads Elementary PTA. Just fill out the attached form or pick up an envelope from the school office, include your $6.00 annual dues, and return the information to the school. We will log you into our PTA membership database and send you a membership card.
Please remember to bring these cards to each quarterly membership meeting, so we can count your vote. Along with voting power these cards provide savings benefits at several businesses that support PTA nation wide. Log onto; enter the login code and password printed on the back of your card to learn more! For membership questions contact the school or any PTA Board Member.